Because someone hasn't added it yet! You can help make the database larger by taking a moment to enter the details of the item, so that future seekers will have access to it!
Unfortunately, no. I don't this this will ever become available..
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When users browse products from the database, chances are that some of these pages may be cached. What does this mean? Well, in order to display a product from the database, a connection has to be made to the database server, then the appropriate item has to be found, then then all this information has to be returned to the web server and sent to you, the user. This process is usually completed in under a second or two, but hey, who wants to wait an extra second or two?
Caching the results reduces this lookup time by saving that result in a local file, so when you search for an item that's cached, it just grabs the file and displays it, instead of having to go to the database to retrieve it. Browse a few random items and then look at the very bottom of the page. See where it says "Page build in"? Now, refresh the page and have a look again!
You can select your caching options from your User Control Panel.
If you think it would make a good addition, contact us at [email protected]